About Us
Our Story
Indium was born from a passion for both fashion and fitness. Our founders, avid athletes, and design enthusiaéts recognized the need for athletic wear that seamlessly blended étyle and performance. Drawing inspiration from the vibrant culture and artiétry of India, they set out to create a brand that celebrated individuality and athleticism. Indium's journey began with a vision to redefine the sports fashion landscape in India, offering unique prints and designs that reflect the diverse and
dynamic spirit of the country. Today, we continue to push boundaries and inspire athletes to embrace their personal élyle while excelling in their pursuits. Indium is not a brand; it's a movement that empowers you to be your both on and off the field.
Our Mission
At Indium, our mission is to empower athletes to express their unique Style while achieving peak performance. We Strive to blend art and athleticism, offering innovative and Olish athletic wear that inspires confidence and motivates individuals to push their limits, both on and off the field.
Our Vision
Our vision at Indium is to become the choice for athletes seeking designer sports apparel in India. We aim to set new Standards in the industry by seamlessly integrating art and performance, inspiring individuals to embrace their individuality and excel in their athletic endeavors with confidence and Style.
Tone Of Voice
1. Confident
Communicating with assurance and conviction, reflecting the brand's belief in the quality and Style Of its athletic wear.
2. Inspirational
Inspiring and motivating the audience to embrace their individuality and excel in their athletic pursuits through uplifting and empowering messaging.
3. Stylish
Conveying a sense Of fashion-forwardness and highlighting the brand's commitment to blending art and athleticism in its designs.
4. Dynamic
Using energetic and engaging language to reflect the brand's vibrant and active approach to sports fashion.
5. Inclusive
Foélering a sense of community and belonging by communicating in a welcoming and inclusive manner, catering to athletes Of all backgrounds and abilities.
6. Innovative
Emphasizing the brand's commitment to pushing boundaries and ahead of the curve in terms of design and performance, showcasing a forward-thinking and progressive tone.